Abortions performed by
“healthcare practitioners”
instead of licensed physicians.
Eliminates critical safeguards
for women.
no regulations on
location or age
High school health center abortions?
Med spa abortions?
Motel abortions?
Join the movement
to protect our state
from extreme abortion
Join the movement
to protect our state
from extreme abortion
What Did I Sign?
What Did I Sign?
Nevada law allows abortion up to 24 weeks or 6 months - for any reason or no reason, but it must be done by a licensed doctor.
This proposed amendment, if passed, would likely eliminate most, if not all, regulation of abortion turning Nevada into the wild, wild west of abortion tourism destinations.
The petition circulated by Planned Parenthood will:
Resources for faith and civic groups
Not a doctor!
too much
Expands abortion through ALL nine months of pregnancy even painful, late-term abortions.
Fetal viability "likelihood of survival without extraordinary medical measures" is imprecise - even a newborn would not be viable.
AND viability is defined by the abortionist. The abortionist decides when the baby is too old to kill.
too vague
All individuals - no age limit. Even minors.
"Fundamental right" is like freedom of speech, press, religion, or conscience. A right so important, so universal, as to require protection from government.
Only a compelling state interest could deny abortion, but compelling state interest is defined as providing abortion.
too political
"Without interference from the state or its political subdivisions. "This includes zoning boards, health departments, state legislature, city councils, and school boards.
Takes governance out of the hands of our elected officials.
Establishes abortion as a protected right - the only medical procedure protected at this level.
"Health care practitioner" eliminates current licensed doctor requirement. Endangers women.
In Nevada, underage girls can get an abortion without their parents knowing OR consenting making our state a magnet for predators, abusers, and sex traffickers. This amendment which extends abortion to "all individuals" [no age requirement] will ensure we can never change that.
Help is available
Help is available
Pregnancy help centers and maternity homes provide necessary resources and training to help moms with unexpected pregnancies. Below are a few located in Nevada.
Las Vegas
First Choice Pregnancy Services - (775)432-1333
Living Grace Homes - (702)212-6472
Womens Medical Resource of Southern NV - (702)978-8094
Northern Nevada
Life Choices - (775)885-1700
Real Choices - (775)432-1333
Nevada Right to Life is an IRS 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization engaged in political advocacy.
Donations to Nevada Right to Life are NOT tax-deductible. EIN - 86-0670279
Nevada Right to Life | PO Box 18924 | Reno, NV 89511 | NevadaRightToLife.org | (775)384-6001